Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Be good to yourself...Always

Even during the hustle and grind to improve our lives, we can lose ourselves. Dealing with family, friends, customers, bills, etc, can drain your tank empty, and just when that happens, they come back for more. So where does that leave you? Tired, angry, worn out, sick, depression, stress eating, etc.
Never be afraid to take time for you. Burnout is Real. Vehicles do not run on empty tanks. Take time to be good to yourself. Take a walk, get a massage, enjoy a good meal alone or with good friends, find your resting and happy place. Dont ever feel like you have to be everything to everyone, and dont be afraid to say NO!! You are no good to others if you arent good to yourself.

Comment below on how you deal with stressful situations. How are you good to yourself.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Found Money

So, here it is, Holiday time, and many people are scrambling/struggling with money issues.  What to buy, how much to buy, can I afford it, no wonder people are stressed!!  Bills and savings go right out of the window.  So here are a few suggestions you can use now, and beyond the holidays.  (Be mindful, some of these suggestions will work for some, the only factor is You, no guarantees are made).

Some of the easiest things you can do, right now, to find money are:

Put change in a jar after spending cash.

Check pockets in coats, jackets, pants, especially before washing clothes (hey, sometimes you find a surprise rattling around in the washing machine).

Sell items you no longer need or want.  I use Offer Up, Lets Go for local sales, and Ebay for distance sales.

During shopping, why arent you earning Cash Back and saving from shopping online?

Sign up today and start earning right away:

Ebates: Savings and cash back. https://www.ebates.com/r/MIEEMA3?eeid=28187

Honey: Coupon codes automatically. https://www.joinhoney.com/ref/qvr3ui

SwagBucks: Earn points, redeem for almost anything. http://www.swagbucks.com/p/register?rb=18649230

Ibotta: Earn Cash back and points for shopping instore and online: https://ibotta.com/r/ysssw

Shopkick: Earn points and free gift cards. https://shopkick.app.link/jM69yDDOQG

So, why not start a business?  Do you have a hobby that you can convert into a business, like sewing, catering, etc?

Check out Etsy for handmade goods: www.etsy.com. You can link to my Etsy shop, www.staceysshea.com

Not sure what kind of business you want to start? Consider helping to protect families and friends…Tap into the new Economy:  https://my.rapidfunnel.com/res/1886/893/?source=mobile

Ok, so now you have all of this found money, now what??  DON’T SPEND IT!! I will address it on my next blog post. Stay Tuned!!

Please feel free to weigh in on the above subjects. How are you finding money? 

Friday, October 13, 2017

New Tee Shirts

Ive launched my new tee shirt line. Im bound and determined to help spread positivity and build motivation throughout the world. My vision is a global vision, and each step, albeit small, is a step to help do that.

The shirts are available at the Eye Slay shop. Lets spread the positive global vision together.

Monday, October 2, 2017


In light of the tragedy in Las Vegas, storm destruction in the mainland States, and islands, this is truly NOT the time to point fingers, blame, argue about who is right, wrong, color, race, etc. People are dead, dying, grieving for their losses, and people want to point fingers? Honestly, if the temptation to argue and blame someone, something for these tragedys, do yourself and everyone a favor...dont!! Take a walk, eat, go to the gym, read, crochet, SOMETHING ELSE except flaming social media. This isnt the time for that, we are better than that. Pray/meditate for the victims around the world who have suffered unspeakable tragedy. 

I will say this...is it now time to have a real and productive discussion about Mental Illness? The more you turn your back and pretend it isnt there, the more it will rear itself into the international consciousness. Its not going away. 

Lets talk about that...

Thursday, September 21, 2017

My Total Juice Fast Journey.

Back in August, I was pulled, by my Spirit, to start a total 21 Day Juice Fast. I knew and felt I needed a total body reset. So I began the Fast on September 1, 2017. I made it a point not to tell anyone, as I didnt want or need any distractions. I didnt want, during my Fast, try to explain why I was doing it, as I wasnt sure how I would react to my cleansing. I didnt know if I would be crying, angry, happy, or all of the above at the same time.

So, 19 days into my 21 and further day juice fast, I have ended it. My plan was to go to 21 days, see how I felt, then maybe add a couple of fays here and there, but my body had other plans. It let me know is subtle and not so subtle ways it eas finished doing its work. Although it may have ended 2 days before my initial goal, I dont feel like a failure, in fact, I feel wonderful. My brain fog has cleared, my eyes are clear, as are my goals I have set before myself, and have released a lot of baggage. This was a solo journey that I needed to take, without distractions, aggravation.

I documented my journey via videos. I didnt do too many, as during my cleanse, there were times I was just simply fatigued, emotional and just plain angry...in other words, just didnt feel like it, wasnt in the mood. I also realized that all of that was part of my cleansing, releasing the physical and emotional baggage I was carrying.

Ive done long fasts in the past, so this wasnt new to me, but it had been years since my last long fast and now, I had to relearn my fasting formula. Some things my body was doing was familiar, but I was blindsided by others. I remained calm, prayed, meditated. Heck, I even started a new gig, teaching cycling classes, what a rush!! I had a lot of energy, that was fun!! I also walked through my home and threw out bags of stuff I was holding on to...so it wasnt just my body and mind needing a cleansing.

The purpose of this is not to diagnose or treat any medical ailment, this is my personal journey. Enjoy the videos.

Monday, August 21, 2017


Today Monday 21 August 2017, there will be a total Eclipse of the Sun. How will this affect you, aside from not staring at it directly (we all know the warnings). 

This is the time to allow your Spirit to free itself from the negativity and strife that you have been holding on to. Come out on the other side of this event with a clean slate. That argument you had with your spouse/child/boss, let it go!! That "thing" that you are constantly worrying about, let it go!! Start off with a clean and positive slate. Start that new project, take that trip, move to a new home!!  This is your time Reset and Redo!! Do It Big!! 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Success comes from habit. All
you need to do to create a
habit is develop a routine.This
lessens the need for self-
discipline and makes creating
the habit easier.

Monday, May 15, 2017


Our children are
watching us. We must
display courage and

Children watch what we do, as opposed to listening to what we say. Their minds are fertile grounds, plant goodness, prosperity, kindness, drive, love. Just like we care for our bodies and minds, its an absolute MUST to care for our childrens. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017


There's nothing you can
say to me that could get
me to quit on my

Keep your dreams in front of you, kerp them visual. Cut out photos of your desires, place them all over the place, where you can see them daily. 

Never allow anyone to knock you off of your track to success. Be mindful of who you speak to about ambition. Everyone isnt as ambitious as you. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


My WHY dwarfs my
excuses and fears.

What is you WHY for wanting success? Is it a better lifestyle, more free time, spending more time with your family, having more money at the end of the month? If you havent determined your WHY, time to start!!

Monday, May 8, 2017


Courage is not the
absence of fear, but
doing the very thing that you fear.

Many times, we have in our head what we want from a goal standpoint. But, FEAR (False Education Appearing Real) holds up back, thus resulting not achieving the desired goal. 

BE COURAGOUS!!! Jump, run, grab your destiny!! Whether you WIN or Fail, you WIN!!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Join me this Saturday, 29 April 2017, from 11am until 1:30pm EST, for the Women Empowerment Circle on Sadior Radio. Watch it on Youtube or listen live. Enjoy a lively discussion on various topics geared towards the women of today.

Monday, March 20, 2017


Yey, Spring is here!! The weather is getting warmer, flowers will begin to bloom, grass is getting greener. Many feel its time purge…extra weight, extra clothes, extra items in general.  Its time to feel lighter, freer.  So, here I stand, looking around my home with all of this accumulated “stuff”, years worth… and all I can think of is What The Heck am I going to Do with This stuff??  Bottom line, it all needs to go.

Over the years, my home was filled with myself and my children, beds, couch, dining room table and chairs, paperwork, etc.  Things were given to me, my children had their things, moves were made by family members, and I’ve inherited furniture, on top of my own stuff, paperwork I keep holding on for no good reason, etc  Now, my home is looking like a public storage center, and I’m ready to toss out EVERYTHING!! (except sentimental items).

You get into a dilemma like mines when you become too attached to stuff.  Why hold on to something broken, you know you aren’t fixing it, you don’t have time.  Suppose I need that paperwork, that’s over 5-10 years old? Why hold on to your grown children stuff, after they left over 8 years ago?  Why are you holding on to clothes that are old, out of season, too big, too small, too worn out, not yours?? 

It’s the same dilemma that many people have, not just with physical items but with relationships; personal, work related, etc.  Why hold onto something that is of no use to you?

So, this Spring, I’m tossing out a LOT of “stuff”, and making room for new Stuff, whether physical or not…Join me in Tossing IT OUT!! And don’t look back!!

Share your comments below.

Happy Spring!!

(and just in case you shopping, I will have many of my items on LetGo and OfferUp, check them out)