Monday, March 20, 2017


Yey, Spring is here!! The weather is getting warmer, flowers will begin to bloom, grass is getting greener. Many feel its time purge…extra weight, extra clothes, extra items in general.  Its time to feel lighter, freer.  So, here I stand, looking around my home with all of this accumulated “stuff”, years worth… and all I can think of is What The Heck am I going to Do with This stuff??  Bottom line, it all needs to go.

Over the years, my home was filled with myself and my children, beds, couch, dining room table and chairs, paperwork, etc.  Things were given to me, my children had their things, moves were made by family members, and I’ve inherited furniture, on top of my own stuff, paperwork I keep holding on for no good reason, etc  Now, my home is looking like a public storage center, and I’m ready to toss out EVERYTHING!! (except sentimental items).

You get into a dilemma like mines when you become too attached to stuff.  Why hold on to something broken, you know you aren’t fixing it, you don’t have time.  Suppose I need that paperwork, that’s over 5-10 years old? Why hold on to your grown children stuff, after they left over 8 years ago?  Why are you holding on to clothes that are old, out of season, too big, too small, too worn out, not yours?? 

It’s the same dilemma that many people have, not just with physical items but with relationships; personal, work related, etc.  Why hold onto something that is of no use to you?

So, this Spring, I’m tossing out a LOT of “stuff”, and making room for new Stuff, whether physical or not…Join me in Tossing IT OUT!! And don’t look back!!

Share your comments below.

Happy Spring!!

(and just in case you shopping, I will have many of my items on LetGo and OfferUp, check them out)

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