Sunday, June 17, 2018

Fathers Day

My Father taught me how to shave (before disposable razors), polish shoes, tie a tie, wash cars, ride a bike (and hit a tree) drive on Lincoln Drive (you better not hit anything), smoke a cigar and Skills that maybe a lot of girls don't know, and some boys too, but I have them, just in case...

My father is somewhat traditional, so Im sure he didnt realize he was teaching me skills I could later pass on to my Son and Daughter. I was just a little girl, watching my Dad get ready for work. My Mom was home with us, while he worked. It was my version of Family dynamics, that doesnt really apply today. We played outside, and I was just too excited to see my Father when he came home from work. I have to say though, the cussing and cigar part, he didnt actively seek to "teach" me that, I just thought my Pop was cool..

My Father taught me to take no S@#%. Now, traits that would be subscribed to a Man, I picked up...however, instead of  me being a take charge leader, Im called Bossy, B@#$%. Oh well, Ill take it, especially if it helps me achieve my goals. I know Im a pain in his behind sometimes, but hey, he did

Fathers, you matter to your children, they watch you and how you move through the World. As I said above, my Father didnt actively sit me down and teach me, but he interacted with his daughter. So good or bad Fathers, think about how you are moving, and the impact it will have on your children.

Yes, there are plenty of single Mothers heading household (I am one myself, both children are productive adults with college degrees), but I had my Mothers Day. Im willing to step back an allow Daddys to have their day.

So to the daddies, be sure to teach your daughters to shave, tie a tie, shine shoes....and well, I dont know about the cigar and cussing though

Happy Fathers Day Pop, from your Pain the the Ass Daughter.

Share your memories of you and your Father, good and judgement.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

International Women's Day

Wishing Every Woman a Happy International Women's Day. It isn't lost on me the sacrifice that many Women have made to help the many generations coming. We still have a long way to go.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Age Discrimination

I have heard this far too often.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy 2018

Well, here we are, celebrating another New Year, how awesome!!  So, checking in with you, what are your goals for this year? Do you have them written down, so you can follow and achieve them? If not, hop to it!!  But, lets briefly touch on Last year, to make sure your on track to your success...

Did you achieve your goals you set Last Year?  If not, why not?  Did you start that business, or get a new job? How are your relationships, or do you have one?  If you havent achieved any goals, or have fallen short of goals you created Last Year, dont fall short this year. This is the Year of YOU!!

You have to find out why you havent achieved your Last Year goals, identify the issue, because This Year, you will not make that mistake again. Get laser focused!!  Move to that new home you have been desiring, go after that new job. Start a business, invest in that stock you have been looking at!! Take that dream trip!! In order to achieve that success you desire, you have to change You!!   You have to leave last years baggage in last year.

Get out, meet new people. Leave the Negative Nellies and Poverty Pimps alone. Their total goal is to keep you at their level of foolishness. You arent built for that!! You are built for Greatness!!

So folks, get out that notebook, start writing down your goals, then attack them, straight away!! Dont worry if others dont understand, everyone isnt meant to take this journey.

So, the New Year parties are over, time to kick it into high gear!!

Share your thoughts in the Comments section below.


PS...Stop by my shop to get your motivational shirts, coffee mugs.