Monday, May 15, 2017


Our children are
watching us. We must
display courage and

Children watch what we do, as opposed to listening to what we say. Their minds are fertile grounds, plant goodness, prosperity, kindness, drive, love. Just like we care for our bodies and minds, its an absolute MUST to care for our childrens. 

Thursday, May 11, 2017


There's nothing you can
say to me that could get
me to quit on my

Keep your dreams in front of you, kerp them visual. Cut out photos of your desires, place them all over the place, where you can see them daily. 

Never allow anyone to knock you off of your track to success. Be mindful of who you speak to about ambition. Everyone isnt as ambitious as you. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


My WHY dwarfs my
excuses and fears.

What is you WHY for wanting success? Is it a better lifestyle, more free time, spending more time with your family, having more money at the end of the month? If you havent determined your WHY, time to start!!

Monday, May 8, 2017


Courage is not the
absence of fear, but
doing the very thing that you fear.

Many times, we have in our head what we want from a goal standpoint. But, FEAR (False Education Appearing Real) holds up back, thus resulting not achieving the desired goal. 

BE COURAGOUS!!! Jump, run, grab your destiny!! Whether you WIN or Fail, you WIN!!